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Latest news

Case study: Wholesale market for fruit and vegetables plus fresh fish in Bursa/Turkey
03. September 2010

Case study: Wholesale market for fruit and vegetables plus fresh fish in Bursa/Turkey

From issue 3/2010 onwards, Steel Construction will regularly feature architectonic case studies from the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS). Outstanding projects taken from architectural steel construction will be presented under the heading "Architecture Steel Stahl Acier".

Heinrich Bub Grant
01. September 2010

Heinrich Bub Grant

In honor of its founding president, Professor Heinrich Bub, the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt) is awarding the Heinrich Bub Grant from the winter semester 2010/2011 onwards.

Closing date for applications: October 18, 2010.

EU building products ordinance
01. September 2010

EU building products ordinance

Download the article from DIBt Mitteilungen 04/2010 for free.

The replacement of the building products guideline 89/106/EWG by an ordinance immediately valid in all EU member states has entered a new phase.

The impact of the code for sustainable homes on masonry house construction in England
01. September 2010

The impact of the code for sustainable homes on masonry house construction in England

Download the article from Mauerwerk 04/2010 for free.

John Roberts

In England masonry remains the predominant form of house construction and accounts for over 80 % of all new dwellings. The rate of replacement of the housing stock in the UK remains low and each dwelling is required to have a viable working life in excess of 100 years.

Wienerberger Brick Award 2010
31. August 2010

Wienerberger Brick Award 2010

On April 8, 2010, Wienerberger AG presented the fourth Brick Award. Architecture critics had submitted 260 projects from 32 countries for this year's competition.

Reconstruction of large fires using numerical simulation – The De Punt boathouse fire
31. August 2010

Reconstruction of large fires using numerical simulation – The De Punt boathouse fire

On May 9, 2008 a huge fire broke out in a boathouse in the Dutch town of De Punt, leading to three firefighters losing their lives.

Dirk Jesse new Editor-in-Chief of Bautechnik
31. August 2010

Dirk Jesse new Editor-in-Chief of Bautechnik

"...An editorial change means numerous new tasks. Currently, those of us in the editorial team are planning the topics for the coming year and working on a new concept to further develop your journal in a gentle manner..."

Dr. Günther Schalk new editor of UnternehmerBrief Bauwirtschaft
31. August 2010

Dr. Günther Schalk new editor of UnternehmerBrief Bauwirtschaft

"...We have set ourselves an ambitious goal: Over the course of the forthcoming issues we want to critically examine the structure and individual rubrics, while also reworking the "face" of the UBB a little, so a to further improve the practical advantages of the UBB for you..."

German Council of Civil Engineering Faculties statement on the title of
31. August 2010

German Council of Civil Engineering Faculties statement on the title of "engineer" and academic degree of "Dipl.-Ing."

Who is allowed to use the professional title of "engineer"?

Should the academic degree of "Dipl.-Ing." be reintroduced?


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