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13. bis15. September - Leuven, Belgien

SAHC - Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions

The Raymond Lemaire Centre for Conservation and the Civil Engineering Department of the Catholic University Leuven, with the support of the UNESCO chair on preventive conservation, maintenance and monitoring of the monuments and sites, will organize the 10th anniversary edition of the International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC2016).

The theme of the conference is “Anamnesis, Diagnosis, Therapy, Controls”, which emphasizes the importance of all steps of a restoration process in order to obtain a thorough understanding of the structural behavior of built cultural heritage. Research papers are invited for oral and poster presentation concerning following topics:

  1. Traditional and innovative construction materials and techniques
  2. Non-destructive testing, inspection and structural monitoring
  3. Adobe and vernacular constructions
  4. Conservation of the 20th century architectural heritage
  5. Structural assessment and intervention of archaeological sites
  6. Theory and practice of conservation
  7. Repair and strengthening techniques
  8. Analytical and numerical approaches
  9. In-situ and laboratory experimental results
  10. Seismic behavior and retrofitting
  11. Rehabilitation, re-use and valorization of cultural heritage buildings
  12. Case studies

Leuven is a well-known historic city hosting one of the oldest Universities in Europe and two World Heritage sites. It is located in the heart of Belgium, close to Brussels. It has easy public transport access to the most important heritage cities in Belgium and neighboring countries. The conference will be hosted in the historic university facilities of the KU Leuven.

You are welcome to join international experts for the 10th anniversary edition of the SAHC meetings to discuss and review upcoming trends and technologies in the analysis of historical constructions.
