Table of contents
1 Structural safety
1.1 Probability of failure
1.2 Reliability principles
1.3 Design value of resistance
1.4 Design value of actions
1.5 Reliability
1.6 EN 1990
2 Actions and deformations
2.1 Structural requirements and relevant concepts
2.2 Structural safety
2.3 Permanent loads
2.4 Variable actions
2.5 Serviceability criteria
2.6 Actions according to EN 1991
2.7 Worked examples
3 Modelling
3.1 Schematisation
3.2 Cross-section properties
4 Analysis
4.1 Frames
4.2 Analysis methods
4.3 Braced frame
4.4 Unbraced frame
4.5 EN 1993-1-1, chapter 5
5 Analysis methods
5.1 Linear elastic analysis (LA) and materially nonliear analysis (MNA)
5.2 Linear buckling (bifucation or eigenvalue) analysis (LBA)
5.3 Geometrically nonlinear elastic analysis including imperfections (GNIA)
5.4 Geometrically and materially nonlinear analysis including imperfections (GMNIA)
6 Assessment by code checking
6.1 Standard (codes) and guidelines for steel structures
6.2 EN 1993: Eurocode 3 for steel strucutres
6.3 Assessment procedures
6.4 Modelling for analysis
6.5 Strcutural analysis
6.6 Force distribution and deformations
6.7 Design of cross-sections and members
6.8 Design of connections
7 Resistance of cross-sections
7.1 General principles
72 Section properties
7.3 Single internal forces
7.5 Elastic theory
7.6 Plastic theory