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Journal Geomechanics and Tunnelling 5/21 published
14. October 2021

Journal Geomechanics and Tunnelling 5/21 published

Cover picture: Safer tunnelling through the use of the AT – Pipe Umbrella System

The Ernst & Sohn Publishing Index 2022
04. October 2021

The Ernst & Sohn Publishing Index 2022

The new Ernst & Sohn Publishing 2022 provides an overview of our products, fields of expertise and services in an attractive layout. On 96 pages you will find all available titles (German and English titles) and new publications – with table of contents and index.

Journal Geomechanics and Tunnelling 4/21 published
07. August 2021

Journal Geomechanics and Tunnelling 4/21 published

Cover picture: DSI Hollow Bar System secure tunnels of a hydro power plant in Bhutan

Steel Construction Online-Live-Seminar #3
03. August 2021

Steel Construction Online-Live-Seminar #3

STCO OLS #3 will be given by Ir. Rayaan Ajouz, who graduated from TU Delft and works now as a structural engineer as well as parametric design advisor for Bouwen met Staal. The course is based on a paper by Ajouz, R. (2021) Parametric Design of steel structures: Fundamentals of parametric design using Grashopper. Steel Construction 14, No. 3 (DOI /10.1002/stco.202100011), which will be available to all participants.

Journal Geomechanics and Tunnelling 2/21 published
21. April 2021

Journal Geomechanics and Tunnelling 2/21 published

Cover picture: Sydney Metro Pitt Street station project on track with the AT – Pipe Umbrella System


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