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Latest news

20-ton concrete block caught in a rockfall protection net
04. December 2011

20-ton concrete block caught in a rockfall protection net

In the test field for rockfall protection nets in Walenstadt, the research institute Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (WSL) in collaboration with Geobrugg AG set a new world record on the 10 October 2011.

Statiker-Tage and Eurocode 6
04. November 2011

Statiker-Tage and Eurocode 6

From November 3rd to December 8th the Wienerberger Statiker-Tage will be held again. This nationwide continuing eduction event provides new insights and knowledge of codes and product innovations in masonry construction to structural engineers and building physicists.

Teaching Award for Professor Jörg Lange
04. November 2011

Teaching Award for Professor Jörg Lange

Prof. Jörg Lange, Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy of Darmstadt Technical University, was awarded the first Ars legendi prize for teaching excellence.

Harald Unterweger appointed as professor
04. November 2011

Harald Unterweger appointed as professor

As of July 2011, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Harald Unterweger was appointed Professor of Steel Construction at the Technical University of Graz.

Holger Svensson's book on cable-stayed bridges presented
04. November 2011

Holger Svensson's book on cable-stayed bridges presented

On September 29th, 2011, Ingenieur Baukunst e.V. presented Holger Svensson's book on cable-stayed bridges „Schrägkabelbrücken weltweit – 40 Jahre Erfahrung“ in cooperation with the Technical University of Berlin and Ernst & Sohn, Josef Seiler (Chair of Ingenieur Baukunst e.V.), Mike Schlaich (TU Berlin, Schlaich Bergermann und Partner), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Schlaich (University of Stuttgart, Schlaich Bergermann und Partner), Karin Lang (General Manager of Ernst & Sohn), and the author himself provided for a very entertaining evening attended by more than 150 guests.

04. November 2011

Update on the Introduction of EC 6

Download the article from Mauerwerk 5/2011 for free.

Werner Seim

EC 6 is coming. To be exact, with DIN EN 1996-1-1, DIN EN 1996-1-2, DIN EN 1996-2 and DIN EN 1996-3 a whole slew of new codes and regulations is coming. And just that package - including the National Annexes it will be about 450 pages long - makes it clear that design and construction of masonry structures is not going to become any clearer. The old codes DIN 1053-1 and DIN 1053-3 (excluding fire safety) were only 32 and 8 pages long, respectively.

Short subscription Mauerwerk - 3 trial issues
04. November 2011

Short subscription Mauerwerk - 3 trial issues

Mauerwerk (Masonry), is the journal for technological innovation and architectural traditions throughout the construction sector.

Inspired by Success: Volkwin Marg's 75th Birthday on 15.10.2011
04. November 2011

Inspired by Success: Volkwin Marg's 75th Birthday on 15.10.2011

Laudation by Knut Göppert - published in Stahlbau 10/2011.

Inspired by the successes that our office (schlaich bergermann und partner) had with our light roof structures in the 1990s, I met Volkwin Marg and his team in 2000 in the course of planning the refurbishment of Berlin's Olympic Stadium. For me right then began a new era of cooperation with architects, the architects of gmp – von Gerkan, Marg und Partner, in designing large-scale sports venues.

Book Review: Planen und Bauen mit Trapezprofilen und Sandwichelementen. Gestaltung, Planung, Ausführung
04. November 2011

Book Review: Planen und Bauen mit Trapezprofilen und Sandwichelementen. Gestaltung, Planung, Ausführung

Jörg Lange

The second book of this trio of authors ties in with the successful first volume published in 2004. A great number of constructive details and building requirements are dealt with primarily, but also – where necessary – it adds to and expands on sections of the first book.

Tunnel boring machine for the Orlowski Tunnel achieves new world record
05. October 2011

Tunnel boring machine for the Orlowski Tunnel achieves new world record

The diameters in mechanised tunnelling have been increasing steadily for years – now a leap to over 19 m has been achieved.


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