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Design of Steel Plated Structures with Finite Elements

ECCS - European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ed.)

Design of Steel Plated Structures with Finite Elements

March 2023
  • 162 pages
  • 137 figures
  • 17 tables
  • Softcover
  • English
ISBN: 978-3-433-03416-3

Prices incl. VAT

About the book

Due to the relatively large slenderness of plated structures, the proof of adequate

buckling resistance is crucial for dimensioning. Plate buckling is a stability problem

of a compression-loaded plate and is generally characterized by failure of the

structure prior to achieving plastic component resistance. The stability verification

of welded plated structures assisted by finite element analysis (FEM) is becoming

increasingly prevalent in applied engineering. The rules and examples given in

this book might illustrate the correct application of the numerical models and give

background information on the FEM-based design of welded plated structures.

Aside from technical background information on calculation methods and

software requirements, modelling, solution settings, evaluation, and verification as

a key part of this manual, benchmark examples and worked examples are given.

They not only allow the user to better understand the procedure and the

background but can also serve as test examples to prove the validity of their own

numerical calculations. We are sure that this manual will contribute to improved

knowledge of the application of FEM for the design of plated structures, and

thereby enhance the acceptance of FEM design in practice.