14. bis19. Juni - Wien
21st International Conference on Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical Challenges in a Changing EnviromentThe Session Topics correspond to the Technical Committees of the ISSMGE:
- Laboratory Testing of Geomaterials
- In-Situ Testing
- Numerical Methods
- Physical Modelling
- Geo-Mechanics from Micro to Macro
- Unsaturated Soils
- Tropical Residual Soils
- Geotechnical Aspects of Dykes and Levees and Shore Protection
- Transportation Geotechnics
- Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction
- Safety and Serviceability in Geotechnical Design
- Observational Method
- Slope Stability
- Offshore Geotechnics
- Embankments and Dams
- Ground Improvement
- Deep Foundations
- Scour and Erosion
- Soft Soils
- Environmental Geotechnics
- Frost Geotechnics
- Land Reclamation
- Reinforced Fill Structures
- System Performance of Geotechnical Structures
- Field Monitoring
- Tailing and Mine Wastes
- Geotechnical BIM and Digital Twins
- Preservation of Historic Sites
- Forensic Geotechnical Engineering
- Coastal and River Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation
- Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and Management
- Geotechnical Infrastructure for Megacities and New Capitals
- Geo-education
- Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering
- Energy Geotechnics
- Machine Learning and Big Data
- Young Engineers Session
- CEN/TC250/SC7 Eurocode 7
Important dates
Please note the following dates:
- Abstract submission deadline: 30.11.2024
- FINAL Deadline 15.01.2025
- Abstract acceptance: 31.03.2025
- Paper submission deadline: 31.07.2025
- Registration opens: 15.10.2025
- Paper acceptance: 31.10.2025
- Final paper upload: 30.11.2025
- Notification oral/poster: 10.02.2026
- End of early bird registration: 15.03.2026