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14. until16. September - Dresden

CESBP 2016 - BauSIM 2016

Modern energy concepts of settlements and neighborhoods with an increasing share of renewable, decentralized energy supply will be the future. Buildings are on their way of transformation from energy consumers to active energy suppliers. The planning of optimized but increasingly complex building energy systems can be facilitated and realized through the use of simulation-based planning tools.

Interdisciplinary networking is an important instrument for the holistic analysis of buildings that are no longer to be seen as isolated constructions, but in interaction with the infrastructure surrounding them. The integration of research results from different domains plays an increasingly important role.

The CESBP 2016 and BauSIM 2016 are hosted under a common organizational roof in order to promote the networking of national and international research groups from very different fields. Through their complementary contents and thematic orientation both conferences offer participants many opportunities to open up new fields of knowledge and to develop personal networks further.

Kombiveranstaltung CESBP 2016 + BauSIM 2016 von der TU Dresden

Topics of BauSIM 2016:

  • Building – System – Human
  • Modeling and simulation of building life cycle
  • Numerical procedures, optimizing and implementation
  • Dataflow, coupling of simulation programs
  • Product data, databases
  • Validation scenarios, quality management
  • Energy-related building monitoring & optimizing operations

Kombiveranstaltung CESBP 2016 + BauSIM 2016 von der TU Dresden

Topics of CESBP 2016:

  • Building materials and envelope systems
  • Human comfort, health and indoor air Quality
  • Usability and safety of buildings
  • Integral energy concepts for buildings and neighborhoods
  • Urban physics

The conference language of the CESBP 2016 is English. Both German and English contributions are welcome for the BauSIM 2016. We wish us all a good success of both conferences. Their combination constitutes in this form on the one hand a novelty; on the other hand it is also an obvious and logical next step on the way to net-zero energy buildings.

Participants get a free online access to our journal  Bauphysik issue 04/2016

Guildline: How can I get the free issue 04/2016?
direct link to the issue