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08. March 2013

Mining Report - first Issue published!

Ernst & Sohn Publishers, Berlin, and VGE Publishers, Essen, have agreed on the transfer of some of VGE’s publications.

Since January 2013, the German mining + geo journal is part of the Ernst & Sohn Publishing programm under its new title, Mining Report, together with its international special editions. Mining Report is a dedicated journal for mining, raw materials and energy and is the official publication of the Gesamtverband Steinkohle e.V. (GVSt; Federation of coal mining employers).

Dr. Jon Walmsley, VP & Managing Director, Physical Sciences, of Wiley- Blackwell very much welcomes the expansion of the portfolio: “At Ernst & Sohn, this journal, with its international editions in Russian, Chinese and English, complements a stable and internationally growing publication segment that serves growing markets such as China and Russia.” The journal is part of the geotechnical and tunnel construction publications which include such journals as geotechnik, the official publication of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. (German Geotechnical Society), Geomechanics and Tunnelling, the journal of the Austrian Society for Geomechanics, and an extensive range of book publications.

In addition, Ernst & Sohn is acquiring the Taschenbuch für den Tunnelbau (practice manual on tunnel construction), which has been issued annually by the DGGT (German Geotechnical Society) since 1976 and which, up to now, has been published by VGE Publishers. The very experienced Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Ing. Helmut Richter, holds a doctorate in mining technology and will assume responsibility for the content of both publications.

Ernst & Sohn Publishers is one of the market leaders in all fields of construction engineering and, with this acquisition, is extending its portfolio into adjoining subject areas. “The continuation of these titles ensures that they become part of the portfolio of an international publishing house, enjoy ideal distribution and marketing opportunities for users in the industry and educational establishments and for advertising customers”, explains Dipl.-Ing. Karin Lang, the publisher’s Managing Director. Top priority will be the quality and development of the content for the benefit of readers, including those in the international arena.