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09. until11. March - Kassel - You will meet Ernst & Sohn: Foyer

4th International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Materials


Esteemed colleagues, dear friends,

Logo_Hipermat_2016 SchriftzugSince new approaches, analytical methods, and viewpoints from other disciplines were recently introduced into construction and material sciences, the knowledge about materials and the possibilities for architects and structural engineers have leapt ahead significantly. UHPC is one of the products that arose from this synthesis of interests, as are new possibilities for innovative architectural designs, conductive concrete elements, photocatalytic cleaning of surfaces, self-healing potential of building blocks, or new binders, to name a few. UHPC in particular has recently come to fruition as the worldwide efforts for standardisation will soon allow the regular application of this innovative material. Its widespread use will permit the design of sustainable concrete structures such as wide-span bridges, filigree shells, and high-rise towers and allow for spectacular architectural designs.

Every four years since 2004, we and our recently retired colleague Prof. Michael Schmidt have provided for the scientific and civil engineering community a forum for the exchange of knowledge around UHPC and other advances in construction material science. Since then, we have decided to refer to these symposia as HiPerMat, referring to High Performance Materials in construction, their development, and their application with a more general scope. Since the third installment of these HiPerMat symposia in 2012, three years have passed. So in less than 12 months, the 4th International Symposium on UHPC and High Performance Materials, HiPerMat 4, will take place, to which we would like to cordially invite all of you and your colleagues.

We would like very much to invite you to contribute and share your experience by presenting your own latest research and your experience from application in this field. As usual, your submitted abstracts will be reviewed and commented on by our esteemed Scientific Committee members. You will find more information on the following pages.

This symposium will give us all the possibility to discuss UHPC and further enhanced structural materials as a whole, giving special attention to a design adequate to these materials, and to the construction of durable and sustainable high-performance structures.

We are looking forward to welcome you again in Kassel – a unique place of science and arts right in the heart of Germany.

Yours sincerely,

Foto_Prof_Fehling_Hipermat 2016 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ekkehard Fehling

  Foto_Prof_Middendorf_Hipermat 2016 Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bernhard Middendorf

Book recommendation:

Cover Ultra-High Performance Concrete UHPC_3433030871Fehling, Ekkehard / Schmidt, Michael / Walraven, Joost C. / Leutbecher, Torsten / Fröhlich, Susanne
Ultra-High Performance Concrete UHPC
Fundamentals, Design, Examples

September 2014, 198 pages
ISBN: 978-3-433-03087-5, also avaiable as ebook