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Applied Building Physics

Hens, Hugo

Applied Building Physics

Ambient Conditions, Building Performance and Material Properties

2., completely revised Edition - March 2016
  • XVI, 342 pages
  • 130 figures
  • 97 tables
  • Softcover
  • English
ISBN: 978-3-433-03147-6
out of print


As with all engineering sciences, Building Physics is oriented towards application, hence, after a first book on fundamentals this vol. on "Applied Building Physics" discusses the heat, air, moisture performance metrics that affect building design, construction and retrofitting.

About the author

Dr. Ir. Hugo S.L.C. Hens is an emeritus professor at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium. Till 1972, he worked as a structural engineer and site supervisor at a mid-sized architectural office. In 1975, after defending his PhD-thesis, he started the research unit Building Physics within the Faculty of Engineering of the university. He taught Building Physics from 1975 till 2003, Performance Based Building Design from 1975 till 2005 and Building Services from 1975 till 1977 and 1990 till 2008.

He authored and co-authored some 70 peer reviewed journal and 170 conference papers about the research done at the unit, helped man-aging hundreds of building damage cases and acted as coordinator of the CIB W40 working group on Heat and Mass Transfer in Buildings from 1983 till 1993. Between 1986 and 2008, he was operating agent of the Annexes 14, 24, 32 and 41 of the International Energy Agency`s EXCO on Energy in Buildings and Communities. He is a fellow of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).