Cooperation on Dutch study books
The Dutch organization Bouwen met Staal and publisher Ernst & Sohn agreed to cooperate on a series of study books “Analysis and design of steel structures for buildings according to Eurocode 0, 1 and 3. Design”. The authors Prof. H.H. Snijder and H.M.G.M. Steenbergen wrote the popular book series originally in Dutch. With support of worldsteel Association, Tata Steel bauforumstahl, Infosteel and Stahlbau Zentrum Schweiz these study books are translated into English and adjusted to the EN-version of Eurocodes. The first book Steel Design 1: Structural basics is already available as print version on the Website of the World Steel Association.
The agreement between publisher Ernst & Sohn and Bouwen met Staal includes E-book versions of the complete study series at competitive prices and worldwide distribution via the Wiley network.
Figure: Bouwen met Staal director Frank Maatje agrees with Bernhard Hauke, editorial director at publisher Ernst & Sohn on E-book versions of the new English language study book series “Analysis and design of steel structures for buildings according to Eurocode 0, 1 and 3. Design”, here with the first book Structural basics (Steel design 1)