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Find and download technical articles conveniently in our digital archive
23. May 2017

Find and download technical articles conveniently in our digital archive

In our digital archive, currently more than 31,000 technical articles published in our journals since 1967, as well as our special issues, are available as PDF.

Massive versus lightweight building: the latest investigations of (ecological) sustainability assessment
24. March 2017

Massive versus lightweight building: the latest investigations of (ecological) sustainability assessment

Over recent years, the authors have released various research findings concerning the sustainability of masonry construction for detached houses and apartment buildings in comparison with alternative construction methods (timber, reinforced concrete). Meanwhile, in cooperation between the Institute for Concrete and Masonry Structures, TU Darmstadt, and its spinoff LCEE Life Cycle Engineering Experts, these analyses have been merged to a further study with increased consideration of all relevant construction methods for multi-floor residential buildings.

Dealing with natural hazards along federal and state roads in Bavaria
15. March 2017

Dealing with natural hazards along federal and state roads in Bavaria

Roads in the municipal Berchtesgaden are among the traffic infrastructure in Germany most highly endangered by natural hazards. Landslide, avalanche, rockfall and debris flow events led to repeated accidents and road closures. In order to improve the safety of main roads, a three-stage approach has been introduced by the responsible road authority, especially in the light of finding the most suitable and sustainable solutions quickly. The main criteria for the entire design phase of any measure have always been the necessary level of protection, reasonable costs and environmental compatibility. Matching all these requirements is critical for rapid construction and therefore a reasonable use of resources.

Design and construction of the complex steel structure for the Amager Bakke waste-to-energy plant
13. March 2017

Design and construction of the complex steel structure for the Amager Bakke waste-to-energy plant

Amager Bakke (English: Amager slope) is the name of Copenhagen's new waste-to-energy-plant located on the Amager peninsula. Once finished, it will be one of the largest incinerators in northern Europe and will be used for the combined production of district heat and electricity. On top of the waste-to-energy plant there will be a landscaped park featuring artificial ski slopes and a viewing platform. The support structure is mainly formed by a steelwork. The model-based design and construction of the complex, three-dimensional steel structure proved to be a challenging task for all the engineers and companies involved.

New publication in spring time 2017
03. March 2017

New publication in spring time 2017

Solution Sets for Net-Zero Energy Buildings will be available in April 2017.
A new title in the series of Solar Heating & Cooling Programme.

See all titles published in this series:

Selected Papers from CESP 2016 and BauSIM 2016 IBPSA Conference - ONLINE FOR FREE
12. January 2017

Selected Papers from CESP 2016 and BauSIM 2016 IBPSA Conference - ONLINE FOR FREE

Six best-of papers from the two conferces CESBP 2016 (Central European Symposium on Building Physics) and BauSIM 2016 IBPSA Conference (International Building Performance Simulation Association) have been published in Bauphysik (Building Physics) 06/2016 in English. 

One article is available online for free via Wiley Online Library: A thermal conductivity prediction model for porous building blocks by ir. Wouter Van De Walle and Prof. dr. ir. Hans Janssen. We offer a special price for the other papers. 



Most read articles from our journals in 2016
11. January 2017

Most read articles from our journals in 2016

In 2016 we have again published many interesting articles in our English journals Steel Construction, Geomechanics & Tunnelling and Mauerwerk - European Journal of Masonry. We would like to present the most-read articles in  2016. One article from each journal we have made available for free for you to read or download via Wiley Online Library. If you are interested in more selected articles or would like to subscribe to any of our journals, contact us via marketing@ernst-und-sohn.de. We have introductory special offers for all of our journals. 



Footbridge 2017 in Berlin
11. January 2017

Footbridge 2017 in Berlin

The deadline for submission of abstracts and for registering to submit a bridge design is extended until 15 January 2017!

The reason for this is that the organiser had several requests from colleagues who would like to submit but will still be on vacation until January 6th.

X-Mas Sales!
12. December 2016

X-Mas Sales!

Structural Concrete 04/16
12. December 2016

Structural Concrete 04/16

Taken from the technical paper On the reliability of the design approach for FRC structures according to fib Model Code 2010: the case of elevated slabs  
by Marco di Prisco, Paolo Martinelli, Benoit Parmentier. 

"[...] Steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) is a well-known construction material that has been used quite extensively to build industrial pavements, harbour and airport pavements, shotcrete linings, tunnel segments, precast sewer pipes, retaining structures, foundation slabs, slabs on piles and elevated slabs supported on columns. The use of SFRC in these structures is particularly convenient because it gains advantages from the redundancy of these structures. It also allows significant reinforcement optimizations in terms of casting simplification, a performance increase such as depth reduction, quality of the casting and durability due to crack opening control.

This paper focuses on the reliability of the design approach proposed in the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 for estimating the ultimate capacity of fibre-reinforced concrete (FRC) elevated slabs on the basis of different tests for material characterization. The fracture properties of the material are determined through three-point bending tests on notched beams and through double edge wedge splitting (DEWS) tests carried out on cylinders cored in the full-size test structure. As a case study, an FRC elevated flat slab 0.2 m thick is considered which consists of nine bays (panels) measuring 6 × 6 m (overall size 18.3 × 18.3 m) and is supported by 16 circular concrete columns. The ultimate bearing capacity of the slab determined experimentally is compared with the design value predicted by means of a procedure based on limit analysis following fib Model Code 2010. The results show that the method proposed in fib Model Code 2010 using the characteristic values and the classification is reliable. Even if the tests are affected by a significant standard deviation and the two experimental campaigns with three-point bending tests give a significant difference between class ”5c“ and class ”3e“, the structural test results in a loadbearing capacity that is always larger than the predicted one, which considers a safety coefficient for the material γF = 1.5.[...]"

The full article is available online for free until December 31st, 2016. Contiune reading on WileyOnlineLibrary. 

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