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Structural Engineering Award 2010 - Project Reports
11. March 2011

Structural Engineering Award 2010 - Project Reports

Five projects received equivalent awards, two of which were described in detail in our Stahlbau journal.

The development of earth pressure shields: from the beginning to the present
10. March 2011

The development of earth pressure shields: from the beginning to the present

Download the article from Geomechanics and Tunnelling 1/2011 for free

Martin Herrenknecht, Markus Thewes, Christoph Budach

The development of earth pressure shields started in 1974. The processing of the ground into an earth pressure support medium originally required that it mostly consisted of mixed and finegrained soil with at least 30 % silt and clay.


Building physics in the course of time
10. March 2011

Building physics in the course of time

Editorial from Bauphysik 2/2011

Gerd Hauser

At the end of the 1960s even civil engineers and experts were unfamiliar with the term building physics. Since then this discipline provides an essential contribution to the design, usage and changes in usage as well as the reconstruction and demolition of buildings. 

Theoretical Verification of Existing Solutions on Lateral Loading of Masonry Infill Walls
10. March 2011

Theoretical Verification of Existing Solutions on Lateral Loading of Masonry Infill Walls

Download this article from Mauerwerk (Masonry) 1/2011 for free.

Tammam Bakeer

The present contribution is the first part of a research work aimed to check the infill masonry walls according to the new German wind code. An assessment for the existing design methods of masonry walls under lateral loading has been performed based on definition of the upper bound values of moment bending coefficients.

Experimental and theoretical investigations on infrared reflective insulation
10. March 2011

Experimental and theoretical investigations on infrared reflective insulation

from Bauphysik 1/2011

Gerd Hauser, Matthias Kersken, Almuth Schade, Herbert Sinnesbichler

Some manufacturers of IR-reflective insulation products claim, that their products feature a high insulation quality that cannot be described by traditional methods of building physics. In situ measurements are carried out to verify. Two different roof systems are investigated parallel: one with mineral wool, the other with IR-reflective insulation.

Free Sample Copy of Geomechanics and Tunnelling
09. March 2011

Free Sample Copy of Geomechanics and Tunnelling

The journal for engineering geology, rock and soil mechanics, foundation engineering and tunneling, bi-lingual in German and English.

Coastal Projects takes over 26 % of Seli
09. March 2011

Coastal Projects takes over 26 % of Seli

from Geomechanics and Tunnelling 1/2011

The Indian construction company Coastal Projects Ltd. took over 26 % of the shares in the Italian construction and mechanical engineering company Seli – Societa Esecuzione Lavori Idraulica S.p.A. for 17.85 m € at the end of January 2011. Both companies intend to collaborate on projects in South Asia and particularly in India, above all in the large development projects to be expected soon.

Bautechnik 2011 - On our own behalf: News for the new year
07. February 2011

Bautechnik 2011 - On our own behalf: News for the new year

Dirk Jesse, Editor-in-Chief

After five issues since our change in editors last August, the phase of initial training and concept development is nearing its end. The new year is a good occasion to inform you about upcoming changes in our journal Bautechnik.

The Simplon Pass Then and Now - a
02. February 2011

The Simplon Pass Then and Now - a "Highway" once publicized in Paris as the "Queen of Alpine Roads"

Download this article from Bautechnik 1/2011 for free.

Paul Caminada

Paris in 1805: for political reaons, the Simplon pass is publicized widely using banners and newspaper articles. The glory of Napoleon Bonaparte as "builder of the highway" had to be commended properly - and indeed, the Simplon Pass quickly became an important attraction for travellers in Europe.

The Eurocode 2 for Germany - Impacts on Precast Concrete Constructions
02. February 2011

The Eurocode 2 for Germany - Impacts on Precast Concrete Constructions

Download the article from Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 1/2011 for free.

Mathias Tillmann

The accelerating harmonization of European technical standards does not only concern the product standards, but also the standards for the design of structures. Whereas most European countries have implemented the European design standards during 2010, in Germany the application of the structural Eurocodes will be mandatory not until 2012.


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