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Die Kunst der Ingenieure _ Best of Engineering _ Positions
02. June 2011

Die Kunst der Ingenieure _ Best of Engineering _ Positions

The Ingenieur Baukunst Verein and TU Berlin organize a half-day, high-quality symposium on 30 June 2011 outlining positions on the art of structural engineering.

Baltic I Offshore-Wind Park connected to the grid
01. June 2011

Baltic I Offshore-Wind Park connected to the grid

Download this article from Bautechnik 5/2011 for free.

The off-shore wind park Baltic I north of the Darß-Zingst peninsula is nearing completion. In April all 21 turbines and a substation platform operated by EnBW were connected to the power grid.

DVB's Emil Mörsch Medal awarded to Holger Svensson
26. May 2011

DVB's Emil Mörsch Medal awarded to Holger Svensson

The highest distinction by the German Concrete and Construction Technology Association (DVB) is awarded every other year to those persons which – as did the eponym – has distinguished himself by extraordinary services in the field of construction technology.

WTM Engineers celebrates 75th jubilee
25. May 2011

WTM Engineers celebrates 75th jubilee

"Probing the future for 75 years" was the motto for the festive reception the engineering firm held at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce. Around 400 invited guests where at the festivities to congratulate.

4th Global Tunnel Congress and Tunnel Expo China 2011
20. May 2011

4th Global Tunnel Congress and Tunnel Expo China 2011

Under the background of human sustainable development in 21st century, the utilization of underground space has become an indispensable part, which also provides the opportunities and challenges for the exploitation of underground space and the design & construction of tunnel.

Holger Svensson: Cable-stayed Bridges
18. May 2011

Holger Svensson: Cable-stayed Bridges

This unrivalled book with approx. 200 practical examples shows experiences in the field of construction of cable-stayed bridges at first hand.

Felix Pakleppa is ZDB's new CEO
10. May 2011

Felix Pakleppa is ZDB's new CEO

On 1 January, 2011, attorney-at-law Felix Pakleppa began his tenure as the new CEO of the German Building-Trade Association (Zentralverband des Deutschen Baugewerbes, ZDB).

Lack of civil engineers - freedom of movement for workers comes into force on 1 May 2011
09. May 2011

Lack of civil engineers - freedom of movement for workers comes into force on 1 May 2011

Many Bavarian engineering offices eagerly awaited May 1, 2011. That day the complete freedom of movement for workers comes into force in Germany: workes from nearly all Eastern European EU member countries will then be able to apply for jobs in Germany. 

05. May 2011

Number of civil engineering graduates permanently low

As the Stuttgarter Zeitung reports, Germany is lacking around 2000 to 3000 civil and structural engineers according to Karsten Wischhof of the competency center for professional education and personnel development of the Main Association of the German Construction Industry. And this gap will increase by roughly 1,300 every year.

Design of masonry structures to EC 6 - the next steps
03. May 2011

Design of masonry structures to EC 6 - the next steps

Carola Hauschild, David Ostendorf, Frank Purtak

Appeal process for the drafts to national annexes DIN EN 1996-1-1/NA, DIN EN 1996-2/NA and DIN EN 1996-3/NA runs.


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