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Official farewell for Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stritzke
11. July 2011

Official farewell for Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stritzke

At the end there were standing ovations for Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stritzke. The initiator and driving force of the Dresden bridge symposium bade his team goodbye and passed the reins on to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Curbach, Director of the organizing Institute of Concrete Structures at Dresden Technical University.

Use of latent heat accumulators in masonry constructions to conserve energy
10. July 2011

Use of latent heat accumulators in masonry constructions to conserve energy

Download the article from Mauerwerk 03/2011.

Sebastian Ortlepp, Regine Ortlepp

Phase change materials in the chambers of perforated bricks can increase the heat capacity of the unit. Due to this, an additional storage of thermal energy can be achieved. The daily fluctuations of indoor temperatures can be reduced by such thermal storage, whereby more favorable climatic and physical conditions can be reached.

Strengthening of Listed Historic Steel Structures: Overhaul of Viaduct and Stations of the Elevated Railroad Line No. 2 in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
08. July 2011

Strengthening of Listed Historic Steel Structures: Overhaul of Viaduct and Stations of the Elevated Railroad Line No. 2 in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg

Download the article from Stahlbau 06/2011.

Michael Fischer, Werner Lorenz

Preservation and strengthening of listed structures is a civil engineering field likely to cause conflicts. The cultural significance of these edifices imposes the obligation to fulfil heritage requirements. However, load-bearing capacity, fatigue resistance and cost-effectiveness still need to be ensured.

Short subscription Stahlbau - 3 trial issues
08. July 2011

Short subscription Stahlbau - 3 trial issues

Stahlbau (Steel Structures), the journal for steel, composite and lightweight metal construction in the entire field of construction.

VDI Study: Germany remains a top center of technology
04. July 2011

VDI Study: Germany remains a top center of technology

Germany will remain a wordwide leading center for technology and innovation in the future. A prerequisite, however, is that future political decisions are based on technical solutions. Among the sectors where German industry leads is e.g. renewable energy.


World championship 2011 lottery
29. June 2011

World championship 2011 lottery

Place your bet on the world champion 2011 and win a textbook from Ernst & Sohn.

60th Birthday of Professor Dr.-Ing. Karl Josef Witt
24. June 2011

60th Birthday of Professor Dr.-Ing. Karl Josef Witt

On 23 May 2011 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl Josef Witt, Professor of Soil Engineering at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, celebrated his 60th birthday.


Everything you ever wanted to know about Eurocode 2!
12. June 2011

Everything you ever wanted to know about Eurocode 2!

A lecture by Dr.-Ing. Frank Fingerloos at the Fachbuchhandlung Lehmanns in Berlin.
14 June 2011, begins at 20:30, Admission: 4 €, reduced rate: 2 €

Concrete Construction (Bauen mit Beton)
06. June 2011

Concrete Construction (Bauen mit Beton)

Download this article from Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 3/2011 for free.

Klaus Bollinger

It is difficult to imagine today's architectural repertoire without free-form structures. Concrete offers many possibilities in terms of structure and design. Its physical properties make it easy to shape and allow many different surface treatments and coloring.

05. June 2011


Architecture and engineering firm INROS LACKNER AG is among the top 10 German design offices. In May, northern Germany's largest general planers celebrated their 75th anniversary.


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