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Latest news

New publications summer 2016
30. May 2016

New publications summer 2016

New publications from the areas: steel construction and geotechnical engineering.

Steel Construction 02/16
23. May 2016

Steel Construction 02/16

Bridge construction – a strong driving force for developments in composite construction

An editorial by Dr. Günter Seidl:
"The public often falsely assumes that the construction industry is not very innovative, is technologically out-dated. This is mostly caused by indicators such as research intensity or number of patents used for statistics to measure innovation growth and productivity increases. Construction companies mostly use innovations from supplying construction material fabricants and employ dynamic developments from the mechanical engineering industry. [...]"

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European Journal of Masonry 02/16
03. May 2016

European Journal of Masonry 02/16

The arched viaduct at Einsiedelstein near the Wermelskirchen junction between Leverkusen and Wuppertal was originally built in 1938 and has now been rebuilt with a new carriageway deck as part of the six-lane widening of the Federal Autobahn A1. GRASSL Ingenieure performed the necessary structural recalculation of the bridge structure for the actions according to DIN Specialist Report 101 “Actions on Bridges” as well as the design for construction (see also the article on pp. 147–159).

(photo: © wilfried-dechau.de, design and structural design: www.grassl-ing.de)

Order a free sample copy of European Journal of Masonry.

Geomechanics and Tunnelling 02/16
03. May 2016

Geomechanics and Tunnelling 02/16

The tunnel drives in the section Sedrun had among others to pass the major fault zone of the Tavetsch Intermediate Massif. In order to cope with the expected high radial deformation special equipment and yielding support elements were used. The overlapping TH-profiles were mounted to a ring using a 54 t support machine.

Order a free sample copy of Geomechanics and Tunnelling.

World Book and Copyright Day
18. April 2016

World Book and Copyright Day

On 23rd April in over 100 countries around the world books and reading are celebrated: book shops, publisher, libraries, schools and voluntary organisations contribute to the „UNESCO World Book and Copyright Day. (source: www.un.org/en/events/bookday)

For Ernst & Sohn as publisher for civil and structural engineering that is a reason to give you some background on this special day of the year and to offer you a little present.

Brand new: Package - Building Physics and Applied Building Physics
15. April 2016

Brand new: Package - Building Physics and Applied Building Physics

As with all engineering sciences, Building Physics is oriented towards application, which is why, a first book treats the fundamentals and a second volume examines performance rationale and performance requirements as well as energy efficient building design and retrofitting.

Structural Concrete 01/16
15. March 2016

Structural Concrete 01/16

Predicting the behaviour of concrete structures – modelling or testing?

An editorial by Hans Beushausen:
"[...] As concrete materials and structural systems become more complex, more “modern”, so their behaviour also becomes increasingly diffcult to predict with conventional materials models or analytical methods. The new edition of the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 makes allowance for this as it explicitly includes performance evaluation philosophy as well as conventional prescriptive design methods and established analytical models. [...]"

Read the entire editorial

Steel Construction 01/16
12. February 2016

Steel Construction 01/16

Cover Story: The corporate headquarters of the Belgian mechanical engineering group, Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie in Seraing, blossoms through its golden champagne skin. In the 18th century, the Castle was known for its unique garden with exotic greenhouses and the orangery, supplying the court with fruit and vegetables (see p. A4).

(Photo: © Novelis)

New publications spring 2016
10. February 2016

New publications spring 2016

New publications from the areas: steel construction and building physics.

Geomechanics and Tunnelling 01/16
10. February 2016

Geomechanics and Tunnelling 01/16

Manuscripts in the current issue deal with several remote measurement technologies and illustrate their broad spectrum of application in geomechanics. These include satellite-based InSAR surveys to assess ground deformations at two tunnel construction sites in Italy, and geomechanical mapping of tunnels using 3D LiDAR combined with thermography.


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