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13. until15. September - Congress Centrum Weimarhalle, Weimar - You will meet Ernst & Sohn: Exhibition stand at the venue

21st International Conference on Building Materials (ibausil)

21. Internationale Baustofftagung LogoBy establishing the International Conference on Building Materials ibausil in 1964, an international forum for the exchange of scientific views was created. One aim of the conference has always been to bring together science and building practice in Europe’s geographical centre. Next year’s edition, 21st ibausil, will continue this tradition.

As in the previous years, the main emphasis of the lectures is put on challenges of developing and applying building materials, accompanied by an exhibition of products and technologies. The cultural programme of the conference will provide professional excursions as well as a welcome dinner.

In 1999, Weimar was crowned as Europe’s City of Culture. The city and ist surroundings are famous for many sights and attractions. Weimar’s cultural heritage and contemporary art create an incomparable and unique flair for all participants of the conference. We guarantee you a pleasant and worthwhile stay in our hometown in September 2023.

Main topics

The main topics of the conference are structured according to materials. Methodologically-oriented contributions (production engineering, ecology, quality assurance, test methods and processings, structural condition assessment, effects of admixtures) should therefore be classified according to application. Same applies for contributions that deal with construction or revitalisation of buildings or preservation of historical monuments.

1 Inorganic binders

Cement (production, types, properties), alternative and low CO2 binders, carbon capture, storage and use etc.

2 Concrete and durability of concrete

Concrete and aggregates, special concretes, production technology, rheology, additive manufacturing, deterioration mechanisms etc.

3 Functionalisation of building materials

Self-healing, sensors and actuators, detection and localisation of damages, vibration damping, pollutant binding etc.

4 Buildung materials for walls, ceilings and floors

Sand-lime brick, natural stone and masonry, lightweight and aerated concrete, C-S-H insulation, mortar, rehabilitation material and methods etc.

5 Recycling

Dismantling and crushing, processing, separation and sorting, recycled building materials etc.

General Information


You may register online at www.ibausil.de. After successful registration you will receive a confirmation and an invoice via e-mail. Please note that the conference fees will increase by € 100 from 1 July 2023. All necessary documents for the conference will be handed out on-site upon personal registration.


The conference will take place at congress centrum weimarhalle, Unesco-Platz 1, 99423 Weimar, Germany. The conference starts at 9:00 am on 13 September 2023.

Conference Office

The conference office is located at the north entrance of
the venue. Signposts will guide the way on-site.

Opening hours of the conference office:
12 September 202304:00 pm – 08:00 pm
13 September 202308:00 am – 06:00 pm
14 September 202308:00 am – 06:00 pm
15 September 202308:00 am – 06:00 pm

Conference Language

The conference languages are German and English. There will be simultaneous interpretation in German- English and English-German in the main auditorium. Translation in any other halls will not be provided.


The scientific programme offers more than 300 presentations and posters on all main topics of the conference: inorganic binders, concrete and durability of concrete, functionalisation of building material, wall, ceiling and ground building material and recycling.
Please find the current programme at www.ibausil.de

Conference Fees

Ticketuntil 30. June 202301 July - 31 August 2023
Standard€ 750€ 850
Day Ticket€ 650€ 750

Cancellation Policy

For cancellations after 30 June 2023 a processing fee of € 200 will be charged. After 31 August 2023 the full participation fee will be due.


All participants and guests are kindly asked to make a reservation on their own. Several hotels are offering concessions for a limited number of rooms. You will find a hotel list at www.ibausil.de.


Conference Host
F. A. Finger-Institut für Baustoffkunde, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Chair of the Conference Committee

Prof. Dr.-Ing. H.-M. Ludwig

Secretary of the Conference Committee:

Dr. Matthias Lieboldt

Conference Organiser

Bauhaus Weiterbildungsakademie Weimar e.V.
Institut an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Carolin Rollnik
Telephon: +49 (0) 3643 / 58 42 29