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Titelbild: Mauerwerk 6/2019
The exceptional apartment building project from HPA+ Architektur in Bergisch Gladbach has altogether six varied residential units in a total usable floor area of about 600 m2. Clay masonry units were chosen for the facade material of the three buildings, with detailed planning being necessary to enable the maintenance of all crossing, bed and head joints in all parts of the facade. Other materials in addition to clay masonry are exposed concrete and galvanised steel, which should give the most “rough” possible appearance. Another special feature of the project is the projecting gables, which are provided with insulation to the underside, resulting in a continuous external envelope. Further details: www.hpa.de (Photo: Detlef Podehl)
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 23 (2019), Heft 6
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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