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Yekrangnia, Mohammad; Taheri, Amir; Zahrai, Seyed Mehdi
Experimental and numerical evaluation of proposed precast concrete connections
In this article, the cyclic performance of an innovative precast beam-to-column connection is evaluated experimentally and numerically. Two full-scale beam-column cross-shape interior connection specimens named PF-1 and PF-2 are tested. By adding extra nuts to the connecting bolts, specimen PF-2 behaves in a more shear-dominant pattern and shows less pinching. Comparison of performance of these specimens with the numerical monolithic model in terms of stiffness, strength, ductility and energy dissipation capacity indicates the proposed system can provide conditions close to the monolithic connection. However, to reduce the pinching drawback, a minor modification was made leading to performance improvements in strength and equivalent viscous damping ratio up to 51 % and 29 % respectively. The results of this study have direct industrial relevance and may be used for the development of reliable seismic guidelines for precast concrete structures.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 17 (2016), Heft 6
Seite/n:     959-971
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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