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Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts for journals

Manuscript-Template: Bautechnik (Structural Engineering)

Creating a manuscript

A manuscript template is available for download for your convenience. This template contains all the relevant information regarding the structure, layout and type of manuscript (article/report). All of the publisher's formal guidelines are already implemented in this template making it much easier for you to create a correctly formated manuscript using just this template file.

The template is available in German and English for Microsoft Office 97-2003 and 2007 or later.

Submitting a manuscript

When submitting your manuscript(s), please use our online platform "ScholarOne Manuscripts". If you are a first-time user you will be asked to register as a new user. You will require a valid e-mail address to do so. The portal entrance page is currently only available in German.

Bautechnik Portal at ScholarOne Manuscripts

Once you have registered you can submit new manuscripts within the author section of ScholarOne Manuscripts. The main document should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. You may embed images into the document but even if you do so, please also upload a ZIP archive containing all individual illustrations as image files.

Manuscript-Template: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau (Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures)

Creating a manuscript

A manuscript template is available for download for your convenience. This template contains all the relevant information regarding the structure, layout and type of manuscript (article/report). All of the publisher's formal guidelines are already implemented in this template making it much easier for you to create a correctly formated manuscript using just this template file.

The template is available in German for Microsoft Office 2007 or later.

Submitting a manuscript

When submitting your manuscript(s), please use our online platform "ScholarOne Manuscripts". If you are a first-time user you will be asked to register as a new user. You will require a valid e-mail address to do so. The portal entrance page is currently only available in German.

BUST-Portal at ScholarOne Manuscripts

Once you have registered you can submit new manuscripts within the author section of ScholarOne Manuscripts. The main document should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. You may embed images into the document but even if you do so, please also upload a ZIP archive containing all individual illustrations as image files.


The editorial office decides whether to accept or reject articles submitted according to technical and scientific criteria. By submitting a paper, the author agrees to adhere to the following conditions:

  • Articles and essays have to be written by the author himself/herself. He or she must also be the copyright holder of all illustrative material submitted (photographs, drawings). Fees requested subsequently by third parties must be paid by the author.
  • The editorial office has the right to change, to supplement or to shorten the text according to language style, structure or content, or to ask the author to do so. Changes may also become necessary due to the particular scientific position of the journal. If the author does not agree to such alterations, he/she may withdraw the article.

The following publication options are possible:

Articles/Essays are primary publications that have been neither published in whole or in part previously nor submitted for publication elsewhere. This also concerns serial publications by scientific institutes and universities as well as internal corporate magazines. The article/essay may not be published elsewhere for a period of one year after its first publication in an Ernst & Sohn journal without the permission of the author and the editorial office.

Reports are contributions that have been published previously, either in whole or in part. They must be identifiable as a secondary publication by including the bibliographical details of the primary publication. The permission to reprint is at the discretion of the author of the report. Reports may also be reviews of contributions published in other publications, technical notes, extracts from research reports already published, conference reports, various statements, etc.

Letters and responses to published articles and reports are welcomed. They should be factual and succinct, and the result of a previous agreement between the author and the writer of the letter. The editorial office requests copies of the entire correspondence. The discussion has to be brought to a conclusion in consultation with the editorial office. The editorial office does not assume any responsibility for the content, but may, however, curtail the length and set deadlines for the submissions.

Appendix for the journals Beton & Stahlbetonbau, Geomechanics and Tunneling and Structural Concrete

Each paper is reviewed by at least one independent external expert. The commitment of the publication can be subject to this matter. The paper is the considered "reviewed paper". A maximum of four authors may be listed within the final paper. Photos and emailadresses of all auhors have to be submitted.

Structuring and design of manuscripts

The text length of an article/essay should not exceed 15 pages of ISO/DIN-A4 format including figures, tables and bibliography, and should be written using a word-processing system, preferably MS Word, in 12 point font size and double line spacing. The number of illustrations should not exceed 15. Longer contributions should be discussed with the editorial office.

The title of a contribution should be short and to the point. The first and family names of all the authors should be listed in the following line. Every contribution should begin with a summary (up to 15 lines) of its contents. The author must supply an English translation of the title, the summary and the captions to pictures and tables, at least for the specialist terms involved. In addition, a list of up to 10 keywords is required. When writing the text, authors should make every effort to use clear, straightforward language. They should avoid complicated, involved sentences, repetitions and writing in the first person. The manuscript must be ready for printing.

The text is to be clearly structured by subheadings and numbered following the decimal system with normally not more than three decimal points. Every article starts with '1' and ends with 'Bibliography'.

The bibliography is followed by the family names and first names of all the contributing authors, their academic titles and full postal addresses (either private or their companies/institutes).

The list of captions of figures and tables (in German and English) - numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals and marked in brackets in the text - is to be appended to the end of the contribution.

Manuscripts that are to be published as reports should not exceed a length of five pages in German standard A4 format, including tables and figures, and must be written using a word-processing system, preferably MS Word, in 12 point font size and double line spacing. The ratio of text to illustrations should be well proportioned.

Figures and tables

Tables should be submitted on separate pages. Please never integrate illustrations into the text. Clear blackand-white drawings may be used directly for printing if the typeface and size is the same throughout and if the format of the original guarantees good printing results even when reduced in size (thickness of lines, details). Computer-generated illustrations should also contain equal typeface sizes throughout. For good reproduction, photographs should be supplied in the form of sharply focused, well-contrasted, high-gloss prints, size 13 x 18 cm. Electronic files are preferred.

Requirements for mechanical drawings and line drawings in black and white or full colour:

  • Resolution of graphic files should be at least 300 dpi (always check width and height).
  • Please always convert coloured drawings into the CMYK colour mode.
  • Graphic files are to be saved in EPS, TIF or JPG format (EPS and TIF files are preferred).

Requirements for photographs and figures in black and white or full colour:

  • Resolution of photographs or other figures files should be at least 300 dpi (always check width and height).
  • Please always convert colour photographs and other figures into the CMYK colour mode.
  • Photo or figure files are to be saved in EPS, TIF or JPG format (EPS and TIF files are preferred).
  • Digital photographs and other figures (max. 10 MB in total) can also be sent by e-mail directly to the editor of the journal. Otherwise, please send the files on CD-ROM, formatted for a Windows PC.

The size of the illustrations is based on the print space (max. width = 181 mm, max. height = 260 mm).


Formulas and other symbols must be the same in texts, illustrations and tables. They should be clearly typed, preferably using a word-processing system (e.g. with a formula editing program) such that they cannot be misread. Indices and exponents should be clearly subscripted or superscripted. Special formula symbols should be used in compliance with the prevailing norms. In particular, authors should take care not to mix Greek, Roman, Latin and Arabic symbols when typing in upperor lower-case letters – e.g. γ (gamma), y and Y, o, O and 0 (zero), ω (omega), w and W, Arabic '1' and the lowercase 'l' as in 'letter'. Gothic letters should be replaced by semi-bold characters. Three-part terms are to be avoided wherever possible.


Bibliographical references and quotations should be listed at the end of the paper. References should be numbered using Arabic numerals, the number of the reference appearing in the text in square brackets. The references should be quoted using abbreviated versions according to German standard DIN 1505.

Books (example): [3] Hass, R., Meyer-Ottens, C., Richter, E.: Stahlbau-Brandschutz-Handbuch. Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 1993.

Journals (example): [4] Haenel, J., Kina, J., Schaumann, P.: Zur Erweiterung des Anwendungsbereiches von Stahlträgerverbundkonstruktionen. Stahlbau 63 (1994), pp. 279-283.

Authors are requested not to use footnotes. If unavoidable, they should contain only factual information and no bibliographical references. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively.

Sending your manuscript

Manuscripts should be supplied as paper printouts (A4) and also saved in digital format on CD-ROM. The files can also be sent by e-mail to the editor. The texts may be submitted in commonly used word-processing formats (e.g. Word), but without any formatting specifications. The end of every paragraph should be indicated by a 'return'. The desired typographical specifications should be marked on the paper printout.

Please note: If you want to submit a manuscript to a magazine that has ScholarOne Manuscripts implemented, please do not send any paper printouts, CD-ROM or e-mails to the editorial office. Please directly submit your manuscript via ScholarOne Manuscripts. This applies to the journals: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, geotechnik and Structural Concrete. Please click on the link to visit the specific ScholarOne Manuscripts submission website.

Proofreading, corrections

The manuscript must be complete and final in terms of formulation and factual information so that no major corrections - only typesetting errors - will be necessary after typesetting. The author will receive a proof copy of the text, tables and figures. Subsequent requests for corrections cannot be processed.

Publication dates

The editorial office makes every effort to publish manuscripts submitted and accepted as soon as possible. For various reasons (such as topicality, theme, quality, etc.), however, it is not possible, to publish manuscripts in chronological order of their submission and acceptance.

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