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Siburg, Carsten; Ricker, Marcus; Hegger, Josef
Punching shear design of footings: critical review of different code provisions
Eurocode 2 and the corresponding National Annex were introduced in Germany in 2012. Most of the design provisions for these new standards were adopted from Model Code 1990 and provide a new design approach for ground slabs and footings. For the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010, the punching shear design concept has been revised and introduced in Swiss standard SIA262:2013. This paper presents in detail the design equations for determining the punching capacity according to Eurocode 2, the German National Annex to Eurocode 2, fib Model Code 2010 and SIA 262:2013.
Parametric studies have been used to examine the influence of the main parameters (shear span-depth ratio, effective depth, longitudinal reinforcement ratio and concrete compressive strength) on the punching shear resistance of footings. To quantify the level of safety and the efficiency, the design provisions are compared with systematic test series.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 15 (2014), Heft 4
Seite/n:     497-508
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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