Autor(en): | Van Coile, Ruben; Caspeele, Robby; Taerwe, Luc |
Titel: | Towards a reliability-based post-fire assessment method for concrete slabs incorporating information from inspection |
Kurzfassung: | After a concrete structure has been exposed to fire, a combination of destructive and non-destructive testing, expert judgment and calculations is used to decide whether the structure should be demolished or repaired, or can continue to be used without repairs or rehabilitation. However, there are many uncertainties associated with both the fire duration and the effect of elevated temperatures on the residual mechanical properties of the materials. Consequently, the maximum service load after fire exposure should be assessed based on reliability considerations in order to provide an adequate level of safety. As this type of calculation is too complex and time-consuming for practical use, a reliability-based assessment tool has been developed for concrete structures and applied to slabs to determine the maximum service load after fire. When using the proposed method, a safety level is targeted which is comparable with the safety level associated with the Eurocode format for the design of new structures. It is concluded that the proposed assessment method is both user-friendly and directly applicable in practice. |
Erschienen in: | Structural Concrete 15 (2014), Heft 3 |
Seite/n: | 395-407 |
Sprache der Veröffentlichung: | Englisch |
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