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Experimental, analytical and numerical analysis of the pullout behaviour of steel fibres considering different fibre types, inclinations and concrete strengths
The pullout behaviour of single steel fibres embedded in a concrete matrix is investigated for various configurations of fibre types and embedment lengths and angles by means of laboratory tests and analytical models. Laboratory tests for fibre pullout are performed to investigate the fibre-matrix bond mechanisms. Parameters influencing the fibre pullout response, such as fibre shape, fibre tensile strength, concrete strength and fibre inclination angle are systematically studied. The effects of these parameters on the pullout force versus displacement relationship, fibre efficiency and fibre/matrix failure response are analysed based on the experimental results. For the analytical modelling of the fibre pullout behaviour of straight fibres, an interface law is proposed for the frictional behaviour between fibre and matrix. In the case of inclined fibres, the plastic deformation of the fibre and the local damage to the concrete are also considered. For hooked-end fibres, the anchorage effect due to the hook is analysed. Combining these sub-models allows the pullout response of single fibres embedded in a concrete matrix to be predicted. In addition, numerical simulations of pullout tests are performed to obtain insights into the local fibre-concrete interactions and to provide supporting information for the analytical modelling. The models are successfully validated with the experimental results.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 15 (2014), Heft 2
Seite/n:     126-135
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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