Autor(en): | Isaacs, Ben; Lark, Robert; Jefferson, Tony; Davies, Robert; Dunn, Simon |
Titel: | Crack healing of cementitious materials using shrinkable polymer tendons |
Kurzfassung: | This paper presents an experimental study on autogenous healing in a recently developed shrinkable polymer cementitious material system. Small-scale hollow prismatic mortar beams with unbonded shrinkable polymer tendons were loaded until a crack of predefined width had formed. The specimens were then subjected to a range of combined heating/curing regimes to activate the shrinkable polymer and to promote autogenous healing of the cementitious material prior to reloading to failure. Upon reloading, specimens loaded with the shrinkable polymer tendons remaining after heating and curing achieved between 120 and 195% of their initial peak loads, whereas specimens tested with the shrinkable polymer tendons removed after the heating and curing stages recovered on average 80% of their initial peak loads. The overall conclusion was that, provided a supply of water is present and sufficient heat is applied for polymer activation, the material system is effective at not only closing cracks and applying a prestress, but also at enhancing the self-healing of cracks in cementitious materials. |
Erschienen in: | Structural Concrete 14 (2013), Heft 2 |
Seite/n: | 138-147 |
Sprache der Veröffentlichung: | Englisch |
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