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Concrete shells - towards efficient structures: construction of an ellipsoidal concrete shell in Switzerland
Concrete shells have been widely used in the past as economical and suitable solutions for a number of structures such as roofs, silos, cooling towers and offshore platforms. Taking advantage of their single or double curvature, bending moments and shear forces are limited, and the structures develop mostly membrane (in-plane) forces, allowing them to span large distances with limited thicknesses (typically just a few centimetres). In recent decades, advances in numerical modelling, formwork erection and concrete technology have opened up a new set of possibilities for the use of concrete shells. This paper describes the design and construction of a shell in the form of an ellipsoid (93 × 52 × 22 m) and with thickness varying between 100 and 120 mm. The shell was built using sprayed concrete and also ordinary concrete in some regions. A number of tailored solutions were also adopted, such as post-tensioning, addition of fibres and shear studs, to ensure satisfactory performance at both the serviceability and ultimate limit states.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 14 (2013), Heft 1
Seite/n:     43-50
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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