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Potenziale und Chancen der Stahl(leicht)bauweise beim Bauen im Bestand

Potentials and prospects of the steel- and lightweight steel structures with existing buildings.
To achieve a sustainable urban and spacial development the focus currently lies on the urban concentration, modernization and redevelopment of existing building stock. This especially opens up opportunities for (lightweight) steel construction, since steel has considerable advantages in comparison with other materials. The use of steel leads to lightweight building elements, high prefabrication, and good recyclability of the structure. Sustainable projects dealing with the building stock require a holistic view on all fields of building construction in consideration of functional, economic, ecologic and socio-cultural aspects. Within the scope of the presented research project an interdisciplinary research group develops integral, sustainable solutions for the modernisation of the building stock with optimised (lightweight) steel structures for building extensions.
Erschienen in:     Stahlbau 82 (2013), Heft 1
Seite/n:     35-41
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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