Autor(en): | |
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Kurzfassung: | Integrated composite floor-slab-systems for sustainable steel structures. Integrated and multifunctional floor-slab-systems have great potential to benefit the planning, construction and operation of sustainable buildings. In the present paper the development of a sustainable slab-system is presented which incorporates building services and technical installations into the structural element by means of an integrated installation floor. Due to a prestressed concrete chord at the bottom side of the cross-section, the slab-system features improved physical and fire protection characteristics and provides wide spans for increased flexibility at the same time. The paper illustrates the complex interactions between the disciplines of building services, building physics, structural engineering and fire protection and gives an outlook on future investigations. |
Erschienen in: | Stahlbau 82 (2013), Heft 1 |
Seite/n: | 11-17 |
Sprache der Veröffentlichung: | Deutsch |
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