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Ayoub, Essam; Malek, Charles; Helmy, Gamal
Considerations for the design of doubly unsymmetrical precast pretensioned beams used for box girder construction
Many box girder bridges are constructed with doubly unsymmetrical precast beam units. The aim of this paper is to present special considerations for the optimum arrangement of pretensioned strands in a simply supported precast pretensioned beam with a doubly unsymmetrical section. The goal of the optimum arrangement is to minimize the distortion (lateral sway phenomenon) caused by the doubly unsymmetrical characteristic of the beam section at transfer. The study shows that the distortion of the unsymmetrical section is minimized when the resultant stresses at transfer are constant over all of the top flange and over all of the bottom flange of the precast beam for most of the sections within the beam length. In this case, the neutral axes of these sections will be horizontal with respect to the beam section. This approach is verified with the help of two different finite element models. In the first model, the beam is modelled as one-dimensional space frame elements; in the second model, the beam is modelled using three-dimensional solid elements. A practical example of a box girder bridge made from doubly unsymmetrical precast pretensioned beams in the APM (Automated People Mover) elevated bridge project in Saudi Arabia is also presented.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 13 (2012), Heft 3
Seite/n:     193-199
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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