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Dundu, Morgan
Structural steel construction in Southern Africa Morgan Dundu
Steel construction is becoming increasingly popular in Southern Africa. Selected case studies of steel structures are presented and discussed here to support this statement. The discussion entails the extent to which the design of steel structures facilitates ease of construction. It is recognized that steel has been with us for some time and that most of the world’s spectacular bridges have taken advantage of the relative lightness of the material for long spans. More recently, high-rise steel-framed buildings have further demonstrated the versatility of steel. This is happening despite the fact that throughout its history, the steel industry has been dogged by high production costs, almost inevitably resulting in heavily subsidized steel. Dramatic improvements in process technology and a better understanding of the behaviour of structural steel coupled with an extensive market programme are now putting structural steel in its rightful place.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 4 (2011), Heft 4
Seite/n:     259-268
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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