Autor(en): | Poston, Randall W.; Dolan, Charles W. |
Titel: | Reorganization of the ACI 318 Building Code |
Kurzfassung: | In 2008, ACI 318 initiated a six-year task of reorganizing the format of the ACI Building Code for Concrete Structures. This is the first major reorganization of the code in nearly 40 years. The reorganization effort moves the code from a behaviour-based to a member-based design approach. This article presents the philosophy of the code development, efforts leading up to the reorganization and an outline of the 2014 code format. |
Erschienen in: | Structural Concrete 12 (2011), Heft 2 |
Seite/n: | 126-128 |
Sprache der Veröffentlichung: | Englisch |
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