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Nuesse, Gregor; Wieland, Hans-Joachim; Limbachiya, Mukesh; Herr, Roland
Active management of the early innovation phases in steel application research for the construction sector
This article reports on how the steel industry in Germany can systematically improve the early phases of its cooperative pre-competitive application research in the construction sector. The aim of this work is to increase innovation success through a targeted lead-in to the innovation processes. It makes use of various models from industrial innovation management, experience in research management for a current project on the sustainability of steel in the construction sector and the results from a survey of the research institutes participating in the project. As a result, a model for the systematic management of the early innovation phases in steel application research for the construction industry is presented. The model supports the participants from industry and the academic sector in finding, formulating and implementing new innovation ideas.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 4 (2011), Heft 1
Seite/n:     34-40
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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