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Rostami, J.
Hard Rock TBM Cutterhead Modeling for Design and Performance Prediction
As the use of hard rock TBMs constantly continues to grow, so are the experiences gained in these projects and the challenges that need new solutions. Cutterhead modeling has been a successful tool used by the industry at various levels of sophistications relative to the end use. These models are based on the estimation of the cutting forces and can be used for cutterhead design optimization as well as performance estimates. While these models have proven to be useful in these areas, there is still room for improving their accuracy to account for different rock features and rock mass properties. New and emerging technologies in cutter and machine manufacturing can be assisted by the use of these models in optimizing their use or assessing their potentials. This paper reviews the state of the art of modeling used for design and performance prediction of hard rock TBMs. A brief overview of the available models will be offered and their strength and shortcomings will be discussed.
Source:     Geomechanik und Tunnelbau 1 (2008), No. 1
Page/s:     18-28
Language of Publication:     German

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